11 research outputs found

    Assessing the hydrological response from an ensemble of climate projections in the transition zone of the atlantic region (Bay of Biscay). Evaluation of SWAT model performance in small and forested catchments

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    312 p.XXI. menderako klima-aldaketaren proiekzioek sistema hidrologikoetan ondorioak izango dituzte. Aldaketa horiek eta beraien ondorioek trantsizio-zonetan zalantzazko gehiago dituzte. Tesi honetako ikerketa-eremua Europako eskualde Atlantikoko trantsizio-zonan kokatzen da eta nahiz eta zalantzako asko egon eremu horretan, klima-aldaketak sistema hidrologikoetan izango dituen ondorioen azterketa kopurua nahiko murritza da. Inpaktu hauen ebaluaketa egiteko, hainbat Zirkulazio Orokorreko Eredu(ZOE), downscaling metodoak (erregionalak eta estatistikoak) eta emisio agertokiak edo Kontzentrazio Adierazgarrien Ibilbideak (KAI) erabili dira. Proiekzio hidrologikoek adierazten dute bai urte osoko emaria, bai lau urte sasoietakoa jaitsi egingo dela eta gainera, jaitsiera horiek mendean zehar aurrera joan ahala, handiagoak izango dira. Jaitsiera txikienak neguan espero dira eta proiekzioek udaren luzatzea iragartzen dute izan ere, jaitsiera handienak udazkenerako espero dira. Emaitza horiek, eskualde Atlantikoan (Frantzia eta Iberiar Penintsula) egindako ikerketekin bat datoz. Emaitzek sedimentu esekien proiekzioek dituzten zalantzazkoak agerian uzten dituzte. Emari baxuen, erdiko emarien eta altuen joerak ere analizatu dira. Joera esanguratsuenek emari baxuen iraupenaren (egunak) igoeran joera dagoela adierazten dute. Ingurumenaren ikuspuntutik eta kontuan izanik beharrezkoa dela Uraren Esparru Zuzentaraua (UEZ) betetzea, joera hori azaro izango litzateke etorkizuneko uraren gestioaren plangintzan. Emaitza horiek higrogramaren beheko partea hobeto ulertzearen garrantzia nabarmentzen dute, izan ere emari baxuek zalantzazko asko dituzte eta lurraren erabilerak garrantzi handia izan dezake emari baxu horietan

    Assessing the hydrological response from an ensemble of climate projections in the transition zone of the atlantic region (Bay of Biscay). Evaluation of SWAT model performance in small and forested catchments

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    312 p.XXI. menderako klima-aldaketaren proiekzioek sistema hidrologikoetan ondorioak izango dituzte. Aldaketa horiek eta beraien ondorioek trantsizio-zonetan zalantzazko gehiago dituzte. Tesi honetako ikerketa-eremua Europako eskualde Atlantikoko trantsizio-zonan kokatzen da eta nahiz eta zalantzako asko egon eremu horretan, klima-aldaketak sistema hidrologikoetan izango dituen ondorioen azterketa kopurua nahiko murritza da. Inpaktu hauen ebaluaketa egiteko, hainbat Zirkulazio Orokorreko Eredu(ZOE), downscaling metodoak (erregionalak eta estatistikoak) eta emisio agertokiak edo Kontzentrazio Adierazgarrien Ibilbideak (KAI) erabili dira. Proiekzio hidrologikoek adierazten dute bai urte osoko emaria, bai lau urte sasoietakoa jaitsi egingo dela eta gainera, jaitsiera horiek mendean zehar aurrera joan ahala, handiagoak izango dira. Jaitsiera txikienak neguan espero dira eta proiekzioek udaren luzatzea iragartzen dute izan ere, jaitsiera handienak udazkenerako espero dira. Emaitza horiek, eskualde Atlantikoan (Frantzia eta Iberiar Penintsula) egindako ikerketekin bat datoz. Emaitzek sedimentu esekien proiekzioek dituzten zalantzazkoak agerian uzten dituzte. Emari baxuen, erdiko emarien eta altuen joerak ere analizatu dira. Joera esanguratsuenek emari baxuen iraupenaren (egunak) igoeran joera dagoela adierazten dute. Ingurumenaren ikuspuntutik eta kontuan izanik beharrezkoa dela Uraren Esparru Zuzentaraua (UEZ) betetzea, joera hori azaro izango litzateke etorkizuneko uraren gestioaren plangintzan. Emaitza horiek higrogramaren beheko partea hobeto ulertzearen garrantzia nabarmentzen dute, izan ere emari baxuek zalantzazko asko dituzte eta lurraren erabilerak garrantzi handia izan dezake emari baxu horietan

    Zoladura iragazkorrak, hirietako drainatze-sarean txertaturiko elementu gisa

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    Permeable pavements are one type of sustainable urban drainage system. Although they are not new, their use is very limited as an integrated element of the urban drainage network, and the lack of confidence in their operation may be one of the reasons for that. The aim of this article is to offer an updated vision of the existing knowledge on permeable pavements, so that practitioners have more tools available for their implementation. Thus, not only the description of permeable pavements will be analysed, but also their impacts on the management of the urban stormwater networks, as well as some design criteria. All of this from a hydrological-hydraulic point of view, highlighting the volume and flow reduction for surface dis-charges, but also taking into account water quality. At the end, a description of an area built to investigate this type of pavement will also be given, highlighting its benefits.; Zoladura iragazkorrak hirietako drainatze-sistema jasangarri mota bat dira. Ez dira berriak, baina oso mugatua da hirietako drainatze-sareko elementu integratu moduan duten erabilpena; besteak beste, sistema horien funtzionamenduarekiko konfiantza-ezagatik. Artikulu honen helburua zoladura iragazkorren inguruan dagoen ezagutzaren inguruko ikuspegi eguneratua ematea da, Administrazio eta enpresetako teknikariek inplementaziorako tresna eskuragarri gehiago izan ditzaten. Horrela, zoladura iragazkorren deskribapena emateaz gain, hirietako saneamendu-sarearen kudeaketan dituzten inpaktuak aztertuko dira, baita diseinurako irizpide batzuk eskainiko ere. Guztia ikuspuntu hidrologiko-hidrauliko batetik egingo da, azaleko isurketen bolumen- eta emari-murrizketa nabarmenduz, baina uraren kalitatea ere kontuan harturik. Bukaeran, zoladura mota hauek ikertzeko eraiki den eremu baten deskribapena ere emango da, haren erabilgarritasuna azpimarratuz

    Hydric vulnerability of the Gulf of Biscay: from the trends of the recent past to those of the future

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    Para adaptarnos a los efectos del cambio climático en los sistemas hídricos hay que conocer la dinámica hidrológica del territorio, por lo que nos planteamos dos preguntas: ¿de dónde venimos?, ¿hacia dónde vamos? Para responder a la primera se han considerado las series históricas de caudal de 117 estaciones del Golfo de Bizkaia. Los resultados indican que en los últimos 60 años se ha dado una evidente tendencia descendente en los caudales en todas las épocas del año y un aumento de la duración y severidad del periodo de aguas bajas. Esto refleja una notable homogeneidad espacio-temporal en la evolución de los caudales. En los últimos 20 años ha habido un cambio de escenario, mientras otoño y verano mantienen una tendencia descendente, la de invierno y primavera son ascendentes. Esto refleja una heterogeneidad temporal de evolución de los caudales, que indica un periodo de cambios en el régimen hidrológico. Para responder a la segunda se han simulado regímenes hidrológicos futuros en dos subcuencas. Los resultados indican que el caudal descenderá progresivamente hasta 2100, así como un aumento en la duración y severidad de los periodos de caudales bajos. Otoño será la estación más afectada (18 - 33%) e invierno la menos (-4 - 14%)In order to adapt to the effects of climate change on water systems, it is necessary to know the hydrological dynamics of the territory, so we ask ourselves two questions: where do we come from?, where are we going? In order to answer the first question, we have considered the historical discharge series from 117 gauging stations in the Gulf of Biscay. The results indicate that in the last 60 years there has been an evident downward trend in average discharge and an increase in the duration and severity of the low flow period during all seasons of the year. This reflects a notable spatial-temporal homogeneity in the evolution of flows. However, in the last 20 years, while Autumn and Summer maintain a downward trend for average discharge, during Winter and Spring they increased. This reflects a period of changes in the hydrological regime of this region. In order to respond to the latter question, future hydrological regimes have been simulated in two sub-basins. The results indicate that average discharge will decrease progressively until 2100 and that the duration and severity of low flow periods will increase. Autumn will be the most affected season (-18-33%) and Winter the least (-4-14%

    Hydrological Alteration Index as an Indicator of the Calibration Complexity of Water Quantity and Quality Modeling in the Context of Global Change

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    Modeling is a useful way to understand human and climate change impacts on the water resources of agricultural watersheds. Calibration and validation methodologies are crucial in forecasting assessments. This study explores the best calibration methodology depending on the level of hydrological alteration due to human-derived stressors. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is used to evaluate hydrology in South-West Europe in a context of intensive agriculture and water scarcity. The Index of Hydrological Alteration (IHA) is calculated using discharge observation data. A comparison of two SWAT calibration methodologies are done; a conventional calibration (CC) based on recorded in-stream water quality and quantity and an additional calibration (AC) adding crop managements practices. Even if the water quality and quantity trends are similar between CC and AC, water balance, irrigation and crop yields are different. In the context of rainfall decrease, water yield decreases in both CC and AC, while crop productions present opposite trends (+33% in CC and -31% in AC). Hydrological performance between CC and AC is correlated to IHA: When the level of IHA is under 80%, AC methodology is necessary. The combination of both calibrations appears essential to better constrain the model and to forecast the impact of climate change or anthropogenic influences on water resources

    2030 Agendako helburuetatik lurra-ura hartzera

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    The 2030 Agenda includes objectives in three dimensions (economic, social and environmental). To these three, we must add the territory where the action plans are implemented. Hence, as researchers working in hydrology we must generate knowledge towards the resilience of dynamic territories combining Water and Land. Thus, this article analyses the need to establish a basin-perspective in water management instead of the usual river-perspective, considering the basin as the basic bio-physical unit for territorial planning. Climate change mitigation and adaptation policies converge in the basin, facilitating the identification of synergies and trade-offs between both strategies. In fact, global mitigation policies focus, largely, on carbon sequestration through reforestation, neglecting its side-effects on adaptation. The hydrological functions of the territory affect the quantity, quality, location and timing of water, by accumulating, moving and transforming it. Therefore, accepting this water regulatory function would imply a change in the way of understanding the management of water resources and an improvement in the integration of hydrological services in the territorial planning. For this purpose, local knowledge and knowledge on trade-offs and synergies between different objectives are needed. In this era of uncertainties, we should focus our main research strategies towards minimization of uncertainties in order to properly manage them and make knowledge-informed decisions, thus, changing the management paradigm. We need, therefore, socio-political will to redirect territorial dynamics, incorporating a development model adapted to local ecosystem services limitations, placing Land and Water in the centre of the territory, anywhere in the world; Garapen Iraunkorrerako 2030 Agendaren hiru dimentsioei (ekonomikoa, soziala eta ingurumenarena) lurraldearena gehitu behar zaie, ekintza-planak gauzatzeko ezinbesteko ingurune fisikoa baita. Hortik dator hidrologiatik ari garen ikertzaileok iraunkortasunari egin diezaiokegun ekarpena: ura eta lurra uztartuta lurralde dinamikoak erresiliente egiteko bidean ezagutza sortzea, erabakietan eragiteko. Iraunkortasuna zutabe hartuta, uraren kudeaketan ohikoa den ibai-ikuspegia aldatu eta arro-ikuspegia ezarri beharra dugu, eta ibai-arroa (ura + lurraldea) lurralde-antolamenduaren oinarrizko unitate biofisiko bihurtu. Hala, klima-aldaketaren aurrean ezartzen diren arintze- eta egokitze-politiken bateragune bihurtzen da ibai-arroa, bi estrategia horien arteko sinergiak eta helburu-gatazkak identifikatzea errazten duen heinean. Izan ere, klima-aldaketarekin lotutako mundu mailako arintze-politiken oinarriak karbonoa bahitzea eta horri lotuta lurraldea basotzea dira neurri handi batean, basotzeak klima-aldaketara egokitzeko ekar ditzakeen albo-kalteak kontuan izan gabe. Lurraldearen funtzio hidrologikoek eragina dute uraren kantitatean, kalitatean, kokapenean eta denboran, zeren eta ura metatzen, mugitzen etaeraldatzen baitute. Beraz, lurraldeak uraren erregulatzaile gisa duen funtzioa onartuz gero, baliabide hidrologikoen kudeaketa ulertzeko modua aldatuko litzateke, baita egokitzera bidean lurraldearen kudeaketan zerbitzu hidrologikoak barneratzea erraztuko ere. Horretarako, beharrezkoa da tokiko eskalari lotutako ezagutzen eta helburuen arteko gatazkak eta sinergiak zein diren jakitea. Alde horretatik, bizi dugun ziurgabetasun-aroan, auzi horiek argitzera bideratu behar genituzke ikerketa-bide nagusiak, haiek egoki kudeatzeko eta ezagutzak informatutako erabakiak hartzeko, ohiko inertziak gaindituta, kudeaketa-paradigma aldatuta. Hortaz, lurralde-dinamikak birbideratzeko borondate soziopolitikoa behar da, eta naturak lekuan-lekuan eskaintzen dituen zerbitzu ekosistemikoen mugetara egokituriko garapen-eredu bat barneratu, lurra eta ura lurraldearen ardatzean jarrita, munduko edozein herrialdetan

    Adaptation au changement climatique dans la gestion des ressources en eau des Pyrénées. Mémoires scientifiques du projet PIRAGUA, vol. 2.

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    [EN] One PDF files with the pre-print version of the document; [ES] Un archivo PDF con la versión de pie-impresión del documento; [FR] Un fichier PDF avec la version pré-imprimée du document.[EN] Recent climate change is one of the main threats to the sustainability of human societies. The reports of the IPCC, the Paris Agreement or the United Nations Conferences on climate change attest to the global political interest in urgently taking action to mitigate climate change. Mitigation efforts, however, are not enough to minimize the negative consequences of climate change. It is necessary, in parallel to the mitigation measures, to develop adaptation strategies that make it possible to minimize the risks that climate change poses to societies. With a necessarily local focus, the development of adaptation strategies must be based on an assessment of the vulnerability of society as a whole or of sectors of it to the expected consequences of climate change. This volume explores options for adaptation to climate change in relation to the management of water resources in an important transboundary region such as the Pyrenees mountain range. After a general assessment of the region's water resources and their governance, seven local and regional case studies are presented where, in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, different adaptation options are explored.[ES] El cambio climático reciente es una de las principales amenazas para la sostenibilidad de las sociedades humanas. Los informes del IPCC, el Acuerdo de París o las Conferencias de las Naciones Unidas sobre cambio climático atestiguan el interés político global por emprender con urgencia acciones para la mitigación del cambio climático. Los esfuerzos en mitigación, sin embargo, no son suficientes para minimizar las consecuencias negativas del cambio climático. Es necesario, en paralelo a las medidas de mitigación, desarrollar estrategias de adaptación que permitan minimizar los riesgos que supone el cambio climático para las sociedades. Con un enfoque necesariamente local, el desarrollo de estrategias de adaptación debe partir de una evaluación de la vulnerabilidad del conjunto de la sociedad o de sectores de ésta a las consecuencias esperables del cambio climático. En este volumen se exploran opciones de adaptación al cambio climático en relación con la gestión de los recursos hídricos de una importante región transfronteriza como es la cordillera de los Pirineos. Tras una evaluación general sobre los recursos hídricos de la región y su gobernanza, se presentan siete casos de estudio locales y regionales donde, en colaboración con los actores locales, se exploran diferentes opciones de adaptación.[FR] Le changement climatique récent est l'une des principales menaces à la durabilité des sociétés humaines. Les rapports du GIEC, l'Accord de Paris ou les Conférences des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique attestent de l'intérêt politique mondial à agir de toute urgence pour atténuer le changement climatique. Cependant, les efforts d'atténuation ne suffisent pas à minimiser les conséquences négatives du changement climatique. Il est nécessaire, parallèlement aux mesures d'atténuation, de développer des stratégies d'adaptation qui permettent de minimiser les risques que le changement climatique fait peser sur les sociétés. Dans une optique nécessairement locale, l'élaboration de stratégies d'adaptation doit reposer sur une évaluation de la vulnérabilité de la société dans son ensemble ou de secteurs de celle-ci aux conséquences attendues du changement climatique. Ce volume explore les options d'adaptation au changement climatique en relation avec la gestion des ressources en eau dans une région transfrontalière importante telle que la chaîne de montagnes des Pyrénées. Après une évaluation générale des ressources en eau de la région et de leur gouvernance, sept études de cas locales et régionales sont présentées où, en collaboration avec les acteurs locaux, différentes options d'adaptation sont explorées.This book has been supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain France Andorra program (POCTEFA 2014-2020), by Fundación Biodiversidad of the Spanish Ministry for the Ecologic Transition and Demographic Challenge, and the autor's institutions: CSIC, UPV/EHU, UB, OE, IGME, CNRS, BRGM, INRAE and OBSA.Peer reviewe

    Adaptación al cambio climático en la gestión de los recursos hídricos de los Pirineos [Informe]. Memorias científicas del proyecto PIRAGUA, vol. 2.

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    [EN] One PDF files with the pre-print version of the document; [ES] Un archivo PDF con la versión de pie-impresión del documento; [FR] Un fichier PDF avec la version pré-imprimée du document.[EN] To do[ES] Pendiente[FR] Pour faireThis report was developed within the project EFA210/16 PIRAGUA (“Evaluación y prospectiva de los recursos hídricos de los Pirineos en un contexto de cambio climático, y medidas de adaptación con impacto en el territorio / Evaluation et prospective des ressources en eau des Pyrénées dans un contexte de changement climatique, et mesures d’adaptation avec un impact sur le territoire”), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain France Andorra program (POCTEFA 2014-2020) (65%) and the project’s partners: CSIC, UPV/EHU, UB, OE, IGME, CNRS, BRGM, INRAE and OBSA (35%).N

    Metals and metalloids in high-altitude Pyrenean lakes: sources and distribution in pre-industrial and modern sediments

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    High-altitude Pyrenean lakes are ecosystems far from local pollution sources, and thus they are particularly sensitive to the atmospheric deposition of metals and metalloids. This study aims to quantify the effect of human activity in 18 lakes located in both side of the France–Spain frontier. Sediment cores were collected in summer 2013, sampled at a 1cm resolution and the concentration of 24 elements was measured by ICP-MS. Statistic and chemometric analysis of the results highlights the influence of the geographical position and lithogenic features of each lake basin on trapping pollutants. More than the 80% of the lakes showed values of enrichment factor (EF) above 2 for at least one of the elements investigated in at least one core interval, which corroborates the existence of historical anthropogenic inputs of elements in the studied area. The results demonstrate the natural origin of As and Ti in Pyrenees, together with the significant anthropogenic inputs of Cd, Pb, Sb and Sn from ancient times. The data set points mining activities as the main historical source of pollution and illustrate the large impact of the industrial revolution. The regional variability could reflect also differential long-range transport, followed by dry or wet deposition

    Metals and metalloids in high-altitude Pyrenean lakes: sources and distribution in pre-industrial and modern sediments

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    WOS:001026612800004High-altitude Pyrenean lakes are ecosystems far from local pollution sources, and thus they are particularly sensitive to the atmospheric deposition of metals and metalloids. This study aims to quantify the effect of human activity in 18 lakes located in both side of the France–Spain frontier. Sediment cores were collected in summer 2013, sampled at a 1cm resolution and the concentration of 24 elements was measured by ICP-MS. Statistic and chemometric analysis of the results highlights the influence of the geographical position and lithogenic features of each lake basin on trapping pollutants. More than the 80% of the lakes showed values of enrichment factor (EF) above 2 for at least one of the elements investigated in at least one core interval, which corroborates the existence of historical anthropogenic inputs of elements in the studied area. The results demonstrate the natural origin of As and Ti in Pyrenees, together with the significant anthropogenic inputs of Cd, Pb, Sb and Sn from ancient times. The data set points mining activities as the main historical source of pollution and illustrate the large impact of the industrial revolution. The regional variability could reflect also differential long-range transport, followed by dry or wet deposition